Artifact: John Lennon doodle and autograph in copy of Yoko Ono "Grapefruit" book

Up for auction now at Lelands. Details:

Special caricature drawn on the flyleaf with image and John and Yoko. This is the product of a marvelous meeting between John and Sheldon Goldberg, who was a NY Telephone manager pressed into service during the protracted strike of 1972. Using his nom de plume of "Reverend Gherkin," Lennon was visited because men of the clergy were being given preference along with people with special needs! After a four hour breakfast, including watching "John try out three or four guitars," "Shelly" asked hesitantly for an autograph. Lennon replied, "Shel, I can do better than that" and grabbed this book and signed it in this most special way. The "Imagine" signed album also mentioned in this carefully scripted full page letter? Whereabouts unknown. 
